Psychological Laboratory

The College has a psychological laboratory to train student-teachers in various psychological assessment techniques and acquaint them with the concept of standardized tests. The laboratory is equipped with different apparatus for conducting different psychological experiments. The Apparatus and Tests available in the lab are as follows:

  1. Mirror Drawing Apparatus
  2. Tachistoscope
  3. Maze learning Apparatus
  4. Memory Drum
  5. Language Creativity Test (LCT)
  6. Children’s curiosity Scale (CCS)
  7. Reading Comprehension Test (RCT)
  8. Study Habit Inventory
  9. Guidance Need Inventory
  10. Scientific Attitude Scale (SAS)
  11. Attitude Towards Mathematics Scale (ATMS)
  12. Parent Child Relationship Scale (PCRS)
  13. Home Environment Inventory
  14. Adjustment Inventory for School Students
  15. Problem Check List (PCL)
  16. Aggression Scale
  17. Academic Anxiety Scale for Children
  18. Style of Learning and Thinking
  19. Kakkar Fitness for Teaching Scale
  20. School Environment Inventory
  21. Environmental Awareness Scale
  22. Environmental Pollution Attitude Scale
  23. Air pollution Attitude Scale
  24. Teacher Effectiveness Scale
  25. Teacher Freezing Scale
  26. Group – Test of Intelligence (EGMAT)
  27. Pass-a-long Test of Intelligence
  28. Koh’s Block Design Test with cards
  29. Scientific Aptitude Test Battery
  30. Multi Dimensional Assessment of Personality Series
  31. Achievement Motivation Scale
  32. Reactions to Frustration Scale
  33. State-trait Anxiety  Test (STAT)
  34. General Teaching Competency Scale
  35. Job Satisfaction Scale for Primary and Secondary School Teachers
  36. Singha Comprehensive Anxiety Scale (SCAT)
  37. GGTI
  38. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
  39. Attitude Scale Towards Teaching Profession