School Internship

Allotment of schools for School Internship 2020 School allotment for Internship

E-Inauguration of the Language Lab

The Language lab of the college was recently inaugurated by Shri. Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’, honourable Union Minister of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India through e-inauguration mode held at North Eastern Hill University on the 14th February 2020. The e-inauguration programme was organized for the purpose of inaugurating the different projects

Five Days NISHTHA Training

The teaching faculty of the College of Teacher Education (PGT), Shillong actively participated as Key Resource Persons (KRPs) in the National Initiative for School Heads and Teachers’ Holistic Advancement (NISHTHA) training a Capacity Building Programme of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The NISHTHA Programme was adopted by the MHRD Government of

College Week 2019

Labyrinth 2019 The mega event of a week long celebration of games and sports, culture, and an endless creativity and showcasing talents of the student- teachers of College of Teacher Education- PGT, Shillong, were embarked in the College Week Celebration, 2019. The opening ceremony began on the 18th of October, themed “Rainbow Day” at 2:30

Gandhi Jayanti Celebrations 2019

Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th Birth Anniversary was observed and celebrated across the nation with prayer services and tributes on the 2nd of October. This significant day was acknowledged at the College of Teacher Education (PGT), Shillong as well, with the teachers, staff and students coming together to remember the great man, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the Father

Teachers’ Day Report 2019

” It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge”. College of Teacher Education(PGT) Shillong, celebrated Teachers’ Day with great gusto and gaiety on 5th September,2019 in the Main Classroom. The MC for the day was Mr. Dalinus Nongbet, of the 3rd Semester,who was very calm and organised,

One Day Workshop on MOOC, SWAYAM and OER

A one day workshop on MOOC, SWAYAM and OER for Teacher Education was conducted in the college on the 21st of August, 2019. It was organized by the Department of Education, Centre for Pre-Service Teacher, NEHU, Shillong, in collaboration with the College of Teacher Education (PGT), Shillong. 

Felicitation Programme for batch of 2017-2019

The College of Teacher Education (PGT), Shillong held a programme to felicitate the hard work and achievements of the outgoing batch of 2017-2019 on the 23rd of August, 2019.  It was a sentimental and poignant event punctuated with heart-warming reunions of the out-going student-teachers with their peers and teachers.  The hosts for the day were

Independence Day Celebrations 2019

The College of Teacher Education had a symbolic and significant morning on the 15 th of August, 2019 observing the Independence Day of our nation. The college programme was hosted by the very pleasant MC Miss Dasiewdor Kharlor who ensured all that were present were duly acknowledged. After the initial introductions were complete, the podium

Freshers’ Day Celebration 2019

Freshers’ Day in any college is an event which every student eagerly awaits from the time of admissions. The 16th of August 2019 was marked as a memorable day in the life of student-teachers (freshers) of 2019-2021 batch of College of Teacher Education (PGT) Shillong. The Freshers’ Day was held at the Main Classroom with